“Savings” That Could Cost You EVERYTHING

As a business leader, you’re always looking for ways to increase revenue, cut expenses and grow your bottom line. Implementing AI tools, shopping services and running a more efficient operation are great ways to do that. One place you do NOT want to cut corners is using free antivirus or firewall software.

In today’s blog, we’ll share why these seemingly helpful software solutions are a detriment to your business and why a 10-minute call with our team might just be the best investment you’ll make this year

Free software often lacks necessary features and is limited in what it can detect.Free antivirus software and firewall solutions can protect your business against some known viruses but not all of them, and they likely won’t have the ability to protect you against other comprehensive threats, like malicious files, unknown or unidentified threats and more. Cybercriminals are constantly rolling out new and “improved” viruses to trick even the most robust security solutions, which makes it difficult to believe that free, infrequently updated antivirus solutions could offer the level of protection needed to keep you secure.

There’s no such thing as a free lunch.
While free cybersecurity solutions sound like a good way to save a few bucks, you have to stop and realize these programs will make their money somewhere. The most common ways they make money are through ads, sponsored recommendations and collecting and selling user data. They collect and sell your personal information, like age and gender, and installed apps, to third-party advertisers.

Some free solutions are already infected with malware.
Ironically, these free cybersecurity tools can come with malware already installed to infect your computer upon downloading them. It’s also difficult to determine the difference between real free software solutions and fake ones created by hackers looking to trick unsuspecting business owners who hope to save a buck into downloading an infected version that immediately opens up your network to them.

Free antivirus software is mostly reactive, detecting infections after they’ve happened.
The point of having cybersecurity solutions is to try to prevent a data breach from occurring in the first place. Most free solutions are reactive and won’t keep unwanted intruders out; they simply alert you when one has already breached your network. If you’re going with a free solution, make sure you have a robust recovery plan in place. You’ll likely need it.

Cybersecurity solutions are not as expensive as most business owners think and are more cost-effective than dealing with a data breach. If you have been using free antivirus or firewall software in your organization, it’s time to level up. Our cybersecurity experts will provide you with a FREE Security Risk Assessment that will detail if and where you’re vulnerable and what to do about it. Schedule yours by calling us at 4804640202.

The Silent Danger: A Powerful Lesson For Every Business From This $1.6 Billion Ransomware Attack

In recent months, the alarming cybersecurity breach at Change Healthcare, the health care payment-processing company under the health care giant UnitedHealth Group, has thrown a spotlight on a chilling reality: cyberthreats can lurk undetected within our networks, ready to unleash chaos at a moment’s notice. The breach, executed by the notorious ALPHV/BlackCat hacker group, involved the group lying dormant within the company’s environment for nine days before activating a crippling ransomware attack.

This incident, which severely impacted the US health care system, a network with a large budget for cybersecurity, underscores an urgent message for all business leaders: a robust cybersecurity system and recovery plan are not optional but a fundamental necessity for every business out there.

The attack began with hackers using leaked credentials to access a key application that was shockingly left without the safeguard of multifactor authentication.

Once inside, the hackers stole data, locked it down, and then demanded a hefty ransom.
This action stalled nationwide health care payment-processing systems, for thousands of pharmacies and hospitals causing them to grind to a halt!

Then things got even worse!
The personal health information and personal information of potentially millions of Americans was also stolen. The hackers set up an exit scam, demanding a second ransom to not release this information.

This breach required a temporary shutdown, disconnecting entire systems from the Internet, a massive overhaul of the IT infrastructure and significant financial losses estimated to potentially reach $1.6 billion by year’s end.

Replacing laptops, rotating credentials and rebuilding the data center network were only a few of the actions the UnitedHealth Group had to take. More than financial, the cost was deeply human – impacting health care services and risking personal data.

While devastating, it’s a powerful reminder that threats can dwell in silence within our networks, waiting for an opportune moment to strike.

It is not enough to react; proactive measures are essential.
Ensuring systems are secured, implementing multifactor authentication, regularly updating and patching software and having a recovery plan in place in the event of an attack are steps that can no longer be overlooked and are basic requirements for doing business in today’s world.

Also, the idea that “We’re too small to be a target” is false. Just because you’re not big enough to make national news, doesn’t mean you’re too small to be attacked!

Cybersecurity isn’t just an IT issue; it’s a cornerstone of modern business strategy. It requires investment, training and a culture of security awareness throughout the organization.

The fallout from a breach reaches far beyond the immediately affected systems. It can erode customer trust, disrupt services and lead to severe financial and reputational damage, and your business, will be the one blamed.

As we consider the lessons from the Change Healthcare incident, it’s your duty to make cybersecurity a top priority. Investing in comprehensive cybersecurity measures isn’t just a precaution – it’s a fundamental responsibility to our customers, our stakeholders and our future.

Remember, in the realm of cyberthreats, what you can’t see can hurt you – and preparation is your most powerful defense.

Is YOUR organization secure? If you’re not sure, or just want a second opinion, our cybersecurity experts will provide you with a FREE Security Risk Assessment that will detail if and where you’re vulnerable and what to do about it. Contact us at 480-464-0202.

How Poor Tech Support Is Slowing Down Your Business

If you’re serious about growing a successful, profitable business in 2024 and beyond, there’s no room for pass-the-buck tactics – especially when it comes to IT support. The efficiency of your IT team isn’t just a convenience – it’s a cornerstone of your operational capability. Yet many companies find themselves held back by subpar tech support, with unresolved IT issues lingering, impeding productivity and frustrating employees and customers alike. These recurring issues can significantly slow down your business growth and quickly cut into your profitability.

The reality is that reliable IT support is the backbone of modern business. It ensures operations run smoothly, data remains secure and communication channels remain open. Without it, even the simplest tasks can become complicated, leaving employees to deal with the fallout of unresolved technical problems instead of focusing on their core responsibilities. This can lead to missed opportunities, strained customer relationships and, ultimately, stifling your business’s potential to expand and thrive.

In this article, we will share the common tech issues that are likely happening in your business right under your nose, how they are impacting your business’s growth and what actions you need to take to eliminate them once and for all. Whether you’re dealing with frequent downtime, delayed issue resolution or lackluster service, recognizing and addressing these IT shortcomings is essential for enabling your business to flourish.


Top Signs You Are Settling For Subpar IT Service
Recognizing the signs of inadequate tech support is the first step to getting back on track. These symptoms often manifest slowly and subtly but can have profound implications for your operations and growth over time. Here are the most common indicators that your IT support may not be up to par:

Frequent, Frustrating Downtime
Downtime is not just an inconvenience; it costs your business money. If your systems are frequently offline or your network experiences regular interruptions, it’s a clear sign that your IT support is failing to maintain a stable infrastructure. This not only affects your team’s immediate productivity but also impacts your ability to generate revenue and your reputation with clients, who expect reliability and professionalism.

Slow Response Times
When tech issues arise, response time can be just as critical as the solution itself. Prolonged response times can lead to extended disruptions in your workflow. Effective tech support should offer timely responses and quick resolutions to minimize downtime and keep your business moving forward.
Recurring Problems
Are the same issues cropping up repeatedly? This is a telltale sign of tech support that treats symptoms rather than underlying causes. Quality IT support digs deeper to find permanent solutions, ensuring that once a problem is resolved, it doesn’t return to haunt your business operations.

Lack Of Proactive Measures
Preventive measures are the hallmark of excellent tech support. If your IT service is only reactive – responding to problems after they occur rather than anticipating and mitigating risks beforehand – your business is always operating a step behind. Proactive IT support includes regular updates, backups and security protocols that help prevent issues before they impact your business.

Poor Or Nonexistent Communication
Effective communication is vital in any relationship, including with your IT support provider. If explanations are unclear, tech jargon is used without clear explanations or calls and e-mails go unanswered, it indicates a lack of commitment to client service and can leave you feeling out of the loop and frustrated.


How Bad IT Support Is Affecting Your Business Right Now

Inadequate tech support does more than just create temporary disruptions; it can have lasting effects on your business’s growth trajectory. Here are a few ways poor IT support directly impacts key areas of your business:

Downtime Leads To Lost Revenue
Every minute your systems are down, you’re losing money. For small businesses especially, this can be devastating. Unplanned downtime not only results in lost sales but can also incur additional costs as you scramble to get systems back online. Over time, these losses can accumulate, significantly impacting the financial health of your organization.

Inefficiency Reduces Productivity
When employees are consistently facing IT issues, their ability to perform efficiently is compromised. Simple tasks become time-consuming, reducing overall productivity. This inefficiency not only slows down operations but also affects employee morale and job satisfaction, which are crucial for long-term business success.

Customer Experiences Suffer
Your technology directly impacts your customers, from how they interact with your services online to how you manage their data. Frequent tech issues can lead to poor customer experiences, such as slow service, transaction problems or security concerns. In today’s market, customers are quick to switch to competitors if they feel their needs aren’t being met effectively.

Hindered Scalability
As your business grows, your IT infrastructure needs to evolve to support increased demands. Poor tech support can hinder this scalability, making it difficult to expand operations or integrate new technologies. Without the ability to scale efficiently, your business could miss out on potential growth opportunities.

Compromised Data Security
One of the most severe impacts of inadequate tech support is compromised security. Small businesses are frequent targets for cyber-attacks, and without robust IT support to implement and maintain strong security measures, your business is at a higher risk of data breaches. These breaches can have catastrophic consequences, including loss of customer trust, legal repercussions and substantial financial losses.

How To Choose The Right IT Support For Your Small Business

Selecting the right IT provider is pivotal for ensuring your business’s long-term success. Here are key attributes to look for in a reliable IT support provider:

● Responsiveness
Choose a provider known for quick response times. Efficient problem-solving can drastically reduce downtime, helping maintain continuous business operations.

● Expertise
Ensure the IT support team has the necessary technical expertise to manage your infrastructure. Look for certifications and experience in the specific technologies your business uses.

● Proactiveness
Select a provider that offers proactive support, such as regular system audits, continuous monitoring and preventive maintenance, to avoid issues before they arise.

● Communication
Effective communication is essential. Your IT support team should provide clear, jargon-free explanations and maintain open lines of communication.

● Customization
Opt for a service offering tailored solutions that align with your specific business needs, ensuring more effective and relevant support.

● Reviews And References
Check reviews and ask for references to gauge the provider’s reputation and reliability. Positive feedback from other businesses can be a strong indicator of quality service.

If you’re tired of dealing with recurring issues like downtime, slow response times, ineffective solutions or hearing your employees complain that something is “always broken,” it’s time to look for better IT support. Don’t let poor tech support be the bottleneck that stifles your business’s potential – take action today to ensure your technology propels your business forward.

Get a FREE 10-Minute Discovery with one of our experts by calling us at 480-464-0202.

Apple Might Never Have Released The Macintosh If This Happened

Steve Wozniak was asked in an interview what he would have done differently if he had been Apple’s CEO instead of Jobs. He said he would have been “a lot nicer to people,” but then quickly added that IF he had been CEO, they might never have released the Macintosh.

Jobs was known for being ruthless and controlling, rude and ill-tempered, driven by a desire for perfection and pushing people to bring products out before they were ready, creating enormous strain within the organization. The OG “mean girl.” Many people couldn’t tolerate working for him, and I’m sure he missed out on a lot of talent for this reason. But in spite of that – or more possibly because of that – he was able to build one of the world’s most iconic brands and successful companies.

I’m not sure that level of “disagreeableness” is necessary for us mere mortals running small businesses vs. the enterprise builders like Jobs, but I do know this: FAR too many business owners tolerate FAR too much from too many people: employees, vendors, clients or otherwise!

One of the reasons so many people loved the character Tony in The Sopranos was because, deep down, they secretly wished they had his backbone and confidence, not taking anything from anyone AND bold enough to do something more than simply holding a grudge against someone who wrongs them.

I’m not suggesting his level of corruption, anger or response is good or healthy. That’s not my point. What I’m saying is that many people would do far better in life if they were unafraid to stand up for themselves, not allowing themselves to be affected by critics and instead becoming a more imposing, respected alpha leader, unafraid of speaking their mind and standing their ground.

This translates directly to the security of your business. If you cower and fear taking a stand for yourself, failing to draw a HARD LINE to protect yourself and your organization, you WILL be taken advantage of. It’s really that simple. There are a lot of people out there with their own agendas who aren’t going to give a rip about you. Many want to take you out, harm you and damage you for their own personal gain, particularly cybercriminals, whose job it is to capitalize on YOUR hard work. To steal YOUR profits. To sneak into your network and steal YOUR data, putting on the line your livelihood and everything you’ve spent years of blood, sweat and tears building.

As a business leader, you must assume a Tony Soprano–level toughness about this. ZERO tolerance for it: be awake and alert, look for such enemies at the gate and get rid of them before the damage they do is irreversible. Further, you need to protect yourself by putting the necessary protections in place to prevent those who mean you harm from getting into your network in the first place. The cold, hard truth is that, at the end of the day, as a leader in your organization, if you’re the victim of a cybercrime, YOU will be the one they blame. Your tail is on the line, and reporters won’t be timid about blasting that headline all over the news.

Business isn’t all about being tough on others – it’s also about innovation and driving your company forward, using the best strategies and best practices of those who lead the way, including protecting what you’ve built. It can all be taken away with one wrong mouse click if you don’t have the foresight to get ahead of the problem.

To stay ahead of the cybercriminals and make sure you’re protected book a 10-Minute Discovery Call with our team of experts to get a free IT Risk Assessment. We’ll perform analysis of your network to identify any vulnerabilities and provide you with a plan of action to fix them. This assessment will give you the peace of mind to do what you do best and focus on growing your business.
Give us a call at 480-464-0202.